How To Survive Quarantine, Guide Book For Survival

Written on July 16, 2020 by Jonah

Do you ever feel like you are just done with quarantine? I certainly have. I couldn’t figure out what to do. And I didn’t know what was wrong so I couldn’t fix it. Then suddenly, I figured it out! I wasn’t seeing my friends enough, and so I had that isolated feeling. Once my parents and I set up a weekly call, I realized that that was just what I was missing! I learned that even though some of us (most of us) don’t like school, it gives us the chance to see our friends. It makes us feel connected to the rest of the world. If you feel sort of down, sort of isolated, try setting up a call to see your friends.

Another thing you could try is calling family. That also will sometimes help. Even if you can’t set up a call to see your friends and family, it might still help even to just call them on the phone.

Need help finding something to do? Look around your house and see what fun things you can find. Then the next day, make a schedule to show you all of the things you want to do or should do that day. See if there are things you can do for your parents while they are working. In general, there are a lot of things you find around the house that you don’t remember that you might find. Although some of you, like me, are not inclined to do that kind of thing, and are more inclined to stick with an easier thing that you know you like, I’ve found that it is really good to try to see what happens if you do branch out, if you try to see what happens if you look for new things, you would be surprised how many things you will find that are actually really interesting that you have not really thought about before. It’s like looking at a picture. The first time, you may think you have seen all there is to see but on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th times you realize you were wrong. You realize that really, you have to look at the picture 10 or more times to really see it all.

Looking for a distraction from quarantine? Books are the way to go. Even for people who don’t like books, it is the perfect quarantine pastime. You can do it for as long as you want, and even better, it feels as if you are in a totally different world than your own. You really feel as if you are just living alongside the characters, with good writing of course.

And one of the most important things in quarantine, along with staying healthy, balanced diet, personal hygiene, etc., is getting outside. I know this sounds weird, but I really strongly advise you to do so. Wherever you can do it, even if it is only your backyard, you still should. That is another thing that can really slow you down. Make you feel like the lowest person in the world.

I hope this was helpful to you all and see you next time!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash