Habits for the Planet
Written on April 5, 2020 by
Use reusable produce bags (Biome Organic Cotton Produce Bags).
Use reusable grocery bags everywhere; not just the grocery store. Tip: leave one in the bottom of your regular bag and leave others in your car.
Ditch straws (Biome Reusable Straws).
Use a reusable coffee mug.
Use shampoo bars. I use Lush and LOVE them. I will say if you have color treated hair get a conditioning bar too.
Reusable snack bags; cotton (4MyEarth Food Bag) or paper (Paper Snack and Sandwich Bags). You should be able to find them at your local grocery store.
Bamboo utensils when you eat out (Chico To-Go Bamboo Utensil Set).